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About 'Sequel Mayhem'

I wanted to write little information now about my next release 'Sequel Mayhem' before i'm actually even releasing it. When will i upload it? I don't know since i can't possibly know when motivation hits me enough to finish the projects, i'm not on a deadline here and i have REALLY low fan count anyway so i'm taking my time with it which at least results in better outcome perhaps. How many tracks will it have? I don't know that either which puzzles myself too. As of right now, it is definitely only an EP length with 5 tracks in total mostly work-in-progress stage and also planning of which only 1 is basically finished, though it too still needs serious fine tuning and small time designing on the final structure. But i have a lot of old projects from which i could make sequels. Hell, i could still make a sequel for Sequel Mayhem as in part two with other tracks and not push in too much on one. On the other hand i basically have never released an album if you don't count 'A Blast From The Past' releases which have all my old tracks renewed a bit. Those did have tracks from my old EPs too and not just singles i've produced and released over the years under the old artist name 'ShadowRaz', and they indeed were still old tracks of mine even though i attempted fixing some major flaws in them, so i wouldn't count the releases as albums per se. Don't expect new miracle music though from Sequel Mayhem. In the most basic sense, i merely started changing the base melody and therefore also all leads etc etc in the original projects which makes them structurally sound the same as the original on most cases though am not still sure how much should i modify the design. But in the sense of them being sequels, that is the point anyway, otherwise i could just rename the fuckers with totally new names and it wouldn't be Sequel Mayhem but instead a new release. As i have experimented on a lot of different styles, it is rather funny actually how much the vibe of my music changes. This also shows on individual tracks as i make a lot of hybrid music. 'Through the Darkness Part.2' which is most likely the main track on the release, is a hybrid of orchestral, dubstep and dnb. The vibe resemblances the original quite a lot but it has certain amount of 'Time Traveler' style and even small resemblance to the 2018 orchestral version of 'The Beast'. This be the track that is almost finished as i was motivated to proceed on it. But somehow my motivation decreased immediately after the initial excitement once i started to work on the other projects, whilst general life problems are beating me down such as the ever so increasing depression from lack of love, as in finding a lady into my life. Loneliness is a cruel mistress. Don't get me wrong, i don't want to stall the progress, but when i'm not feeling it, why should i force myself to continue? This lack of motivation is also related to the fact still how i'm not currently working on totally new music almost at all though have a lot of unfinished stuff like 'Orchestral Quantum EP' and other EP plans, and even an album which got left behind also from initial interest of proceeding with it.

I also figured that i should perhaps upload it first on background of a gaming video once finished, most likely the next entry on Battlefield Slayer series of mine although as Black Ops 3 and Absolver were free this month on PS4 for Plus members, those could have some spiced up potential for an upload though haven't played BO3 MP at all yet. Why as bg for gaming video? Well as i tweeted, it could be a road for new people to find my music instead of relying on the really small change of someone searching a genre only and then clicking the low viewed video (yeah, people tend to listen/watch something that has thousands if not millions of plays already more easily as they assume something that has been played a lot has to be better somehow than anything with from 0 to few dozen views at most which is a relentless loop, sort of like the fact how available jobs usually require job experience and you can't get experience initially when you should already have it to get to work in the first place, as in won't get listeners if one doesn't have them already), as no one can literally think of me out of nothing.

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